The Difference Between 20w & 30w Metal Laser Printing Machine

Many of our clients, marking metal, like to know the power difference of 20w and 30w:

1. Single pulse energy for fiber-laser-printing-machine:
Higher power is, higher power energy will be:
For example, if want to mark 0.1mm stainless steel, 50 times by 20w, and only 30 times by 30w;
Because higher power is, higher working efficiency is.

2. Peak Power for metal-laser-printing-machine:
For 20w metal engraving, pear power is 8000w, while for 30w, the peak power can reach to 9000w;
The higher peak power is, the laser beam quality is better.

Higher laser power is, faster working speed will be, thus working efficiency will be enhanced.

Metal printer machine with the above difference.

May the above can be helpful for you.

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